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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Boston Headshot Photographer: Singer-Songwriter, Filmmaker

For the last few weeks I have been a bit "m.i.a," but I promise things are calming down and I will be back to posting more regularly asap! To tide you over, here is a quickie session I did recently. It's my big brother, Rue! Not that you needed me to tell you he's older, I mean he absolutely looks waaaay older than me, eh?! He's an amazing songwriter, incredible filmmaker, movie trivia and music extraordinaire and...growing up he sure did sit through every single one of my ridiculously long dance recitals! [I think this had more to do with the other girls in tutus than me, but still.Oh yeah, and one time we were at a rock concert and he got called up on stage and they said he could pick someone to join him and he totally picked me! All the girls swooned at how sweet he was. Wait a second...I think that was ultimately about the other girls too!  I am sensing a pattern here: "be sweet to sister, score points with the ladies!" hmmm...I think we need to have a chat. Rue was born for the spotlight. I mean he is seriously the first person ever who didn't even feign discomfort in front of my camera! Check out his music. Click here to listen to FOREVER- my personal favorite. The lyrics give me goose bumps. We should all be so lucky to be loved like this! (yes, we are a romantically delusional  lot. We get it honestly...my dad would bring home flowers to my mom and write notes to her on a regular basis...and still does! There was no hope for my brother or me to make it out without it rubbing off on us! :) )
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  1. YAY! i didn't even quite realize you had a brother, let alone such an awesome one!!

    he LOOKS like a star, I mean down to that special something in his eyes.

    Great work, as usual, Ms. Snider!

    Also, is Rue his real name? And didn't you work for Rue McClanahan? Most people go their whole lives without meeting one person named RUE, and here you have TWO important people in your life with that name? Brilliant!!

  2. Yes, it is. And it's my dad's name too! Very funny how life works, eh?

  3. WILD!!! i absolutely LOVE that name!
