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Monday, February 14, 2011

Massachusettes Senior Portraits: Sarah Alice

Alrighty, onward with my amazing Martha's Vineyard Seniors! Take a good hard look at Sarah Alice. She's not just a down to earth, funny, sweet gal with an amazing smile...she's got the head of a scientist on those shoulders and is planning to be a Marine Biologist! Really!!! I don't know any marine biologists so I was thrilled to drill her with questions.  She says she caught the "science bug" early on when one of her school science teachers made the class accessible to her in a way she had not found the subject to be before. ("yay" for amazing teachers!) Plus, growing up on The Vineyard provided her with constant exposure to the water and she was able to feed her passion even more. The University of New Haven  will have the pleasure of Sarah Alice in the fall and I truly wish her all the luck in the...ocean! (if there is pun/play on words to be found...I will find it)

Happy Valentine's Day!!!


1 comment:

  1. hey julia i love the pics of me!!!!! THANK YOU!!!
