SENIOR PORTRAITS are awesome! Yes, you're correct, I say the same thing about LITTLES and ACTORS, but in truth I absolutely love all three aspects of my business for very specific reasons. Senior Portraits are a ball game unto themself because Seniors are so incredibly varied. Each of them is grappling with different questions in regards to who they want to be and how they want to exist in the world. And since I am an "invasive question asker"...I get all up in there and try to really discover what makes them tick. Take Ashley for example. She has no idea where her life is going to take her, but she's open to the possibilities. Northeastern is first on her list, but maybe she'll end up somewhere else. Who knows! She may feel pressure to "pick a path" but she wears the pressure well and it doesn't come across on her face as anything that overwhelms her. She says she's learned a lot about herself in the last few years and is working on being a better communicator. Personally, I think her images communicate her message very clearly. "I am Ashley; pay attention!"

And my absolute favorite....BAM!!!!
More Massachusetts Senior Portraits this week!
Booking Senior Reps now for your school. Contact me for details.
I wish I'd had you arouund for my senior portraits! You have treated these girls the way every girl wants\deserves to be treated! They look happy, confident, gorgeous, real, and like royalty! Brava Julia!
ReplyDeleteAnd best of luck to you, ladies!!