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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Boston Headshot Photographer: Alley

So many fun changes are coming to my website and blog and business in general that you are going to want to keep your eyes peeled! Exciting stuff happening! Here is what you should look for in the coming week:

Senior Portraits: Ashley
Senior Portraits: Sarah
Senior Portaits: Mariah
Amazing Improv Troupe: The IMPERS
Headshot Session: Scott (Assistant Fire Chief!)

First up is Alley's Headshots! At 13, Alley has decided (with the support of and no pressure from her parents) that she is interested in pursuing this "Broadway thing"...(as she calls it).  So her mom contacted me to see whether I would be willing to come to Martha's Vineyard for a session- to which I promptly replied, "yes please!" So a short T, Bus, Ferry and Car ride later...I was at their house! (incidentally, there is WIFI on the Ferry! Isn't that incredible? I mean I "get it" we live in that kind of world now, but it is still pretty amazing) But I digress...back to Alley. Now, I've seen this gal on stage so I can say with confidence that she's a talented young lady and I do not doubt for a minute that she will work in the business if she chooses to. On a complete side note:  I don't think that I have ever in my life said that I would go back to middle school, but honestly, to be friends with Alley, I totally would. She is so fun to be around and her giggle is infectious! If I was casting director I would hire her based on her freckles alone. Good luck Alley!!!

If you like the new logo let me know. It is just one small part of the changes happening over here!


1 comment:

  1. Lovely Work! As usual!

    I like the new logo, but wonder if you could post a side-by-side for comparison, the new and the old?


